The Trini expression "taking in front" needs paying attention to as regards the flooding problem that has plagued us for God knows how long. We have begun the Dry Season and it is only a matter of time before the rains return with a vengeance.
So, it is not unreasonable to ask the requisite authorities what exactly are they planning to do right now and what exactly have they done. Because, as sure as night follows day the Rainy Season is going to come this year and there will be the potential for flooding again. It would make a great deal of sense, therefore, to "take in front" and do everything that is needed to be done in an effort to, at the very least, minimize the flooding, if not eliminate it altogether. We can't continue like the pharisee who gets rid of his sins at the gate of the temple by crying "Korban".
Paying attention to this problem now could save a lot of money downstream and would make a lot of sense.
All too often in this society we act as though we are surprised when a foreseeable event (like flooding) happens. We then wring our hands in anguish and try to blame everybody and his mother (except ourselves, of course) for the particular disaster although it was clearly foreseeable. All that it takes is a little bit of commonsense mixed with a little bit of foresight. So? Can we ask NOW what (if anything) is being done NOW about this clearly foreseeable problem? And, for the record, this is not about politics or political name calling. This is only about fixing a potentially looming problem that has some potentially very serious consequences.
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