Friday, August 27, 2021


 For most people, their lives don't change when a new government takes power. Let me put that another way: their lives don't change noticeably. They still have to go to work, their day-to-day problems still exist and the only noticeable changes are the faces of the new ministers on television. When the government doesn't change then even this small change in the faces of the ministers (X is moved to Y Ministry and Z is brought in to replace him/her) is hardly noticeable.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that except for a very, very small minority, life goes on much as it did before.

However, (you knew a 'but' was coming, didn't you?) all this changes when some sort of crisis hits (a war,  a crash of the economy, a pandemic, etc.). Then people start to look more carefully at who they voted for and to think about whether or not the 'other side' might have managed the crisis better. The longer the crisis goes on and the more people that are adversely affected by it the more unpopular the regime will become.

Sometimes the government makes the wrong decisions, either through inadvertence or because of incompetence, but whatever the reason you will never get a politician admitting that he/she made a mistake. Instead they will jump through hoops to try and prove that it (whatever 'it' is) was the fault of others, especially their political enemies whom they had defeated at the polls.

It has always been a source of great wonder for me as to why, when things have not gone according to plan, that we as an electorate do not hold the government's feet to the proverbial fire and insist on getting answers to the hard questions that are not asked - much less answered. Instead, if you have voted for X party and they are in power, you usually accept blindly whatever stories they might tell. And, of course, if you voted for Y party you will believe even the most outrageous things and call the X party dishonest and corrupt. But you ain't gonna get answers to those pressing questions that need to be answered.

Don't believe me? Check out the political news over the last 10 years. Except for the names and a few other changes the stories are the same. For example, a young lady called Reshmi Ramnarine gets appointed to a high level post for which she obviously had no experience for. And a few days ago another very young lady got appointed as this country's ambassador to China. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that she has absolutely no diplomatic experience, but she is now our country's ambassador to China - a VERY important diplomatic post. It is interesting that the Opposition hasn't made s similar fuss as was made over Ms. Ramnarine's appointment. But that is another story again.

But (and you knew that there had to be another 'but') we are now in the middle of a huge health crisis with this COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from the dangers to the personal health of persons the present Government's response has effectively decimated the economy. There was a debate in Parliament a few days ago on whether a State of Emergency (SOE) (first introduced at the beginning of May) should be extended to the end of November. As a concerned citizen I had hoped that both the Government AND the Opposition would have used the opportunity to educate the population as to the actual science and whether or not it is still necessary to have an SOE,  for example, whether or not it is still necessary to keep in person dining banned in restaurants, and so on. I had hoped that whatever their political leanings BOTH sides would realize that the population is reeling under the threat of this virus and people have lost/ are losing their jobs as a result. On top of that more than a thousand people are reported to have died. So to talk about it being serious is more than mere hyperbole.

Put another way, what I saw in Parliament was a lot of 'grandstanding' on both sides with nobody seemingly concerned about the citizens who are catching hell. The Government's attitude seemed to be 'this is what we are doing and if you don't like it get to hell out of here'. And the Opposition's stance was 'we don't like it, you haven't convinced us, but we are going to play it safe and abstain so if by chance what you are doing actually works then we can say that we didn't vote for the extension because you didn't answer our questions. And if it doesn't work then we can say that we told you that it wouldn't but you didn't listen.'

And you wonder why we are in the state that we are in?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


This is a serious question. In thinking about it I took note of the following:

- We have been relegated effectively to just above junk bond status by the world renowned body, Standard & Poors. Oh, the erstwhile Minister of Finance tried to put a spin on the S&P report but a plethora of respected economists basically told him that he was talking through his  ..., well, not his mouth! So he shut up!

- Unemployment is rising uncontrollably. People are literally out of work and have absolutely no hope of getting a job anytime soon. It is most interesting that reliable figures are not being published on this (or indeed, on anything else!). I simply can't imagine how people at the bottom of the economic pile are surviving.

- One gets an impression that the Prime Minister simply doesn't have a clue as to how to deal with the economic situation. This may very well not be so, but in politics image is everything and the image is one of a leader and his team of ministers floundering hopelessly and helplessly getting fat on their generous salaries and 'perks' while the people are catching hell.

- Prices are rising - not so slowly, but inexorably. We don't know when this will end, or indeed if it ever will! But the reality is that prices are rising - especially at the grocery - and rising faster rather than slower.

- Foreign exchange is scarce and hard to come by. If a person is lucky enough to have a few US dollars in his bank account he simply can't get it out. First of all, he has to "order' it and then he will probably be told he can only get a portion of it in cash.

- There is now open speculation that there will be marches and/or riots when the existing State of Emergency (SOE) comes to an end on the 30th August.  If the Government manages to get the Opposition to support an extension of the SOE then there is open speculation that there will be serious social unrest. Either way, trouble with a capital "T" is coming - and soon!

- Crime is rising. Need I say more?

I could go on, but surely you get the point. People are hurting and there is little trust that we are being told the truth - about anything Certainly, I am one of those who believes that we have been lied to for the longest while. There is too much that simply didn't or doesn't make sense. And the fact is that when somebody is telling you something that you don't understand, 98 percent of the time it is because he doesn't WANT you to understand; two percent of the time it is because HE doesn't understand what he is talking about.

No. I can't say that we are yet a failed state, but if we continue on the path that we are currently on, we most certainly will become one very soon.