Tuesday, March 31, 2020


It is difficult in this trying time of the pandemic not to go blaming whoever may be in charge of the country for all that is going or has gone wrong. Certainly, there is (in my respectful view) an awful lot of criticism that can be levelled agaist the powers-that-be for their handling of the pandemic to date, but the truth is that criticizing ain't gonna change a thing.

What is preferable AT THE MOMENT (and I've deliberately put those words in capital letters because I want to try and get away as much as possible from criticisms that really do not help to solve aanything and simply serve to entrench everybody in their respective political positions) is that we all try to look at exactly where we are in this pandemic, exactly what we are doing and not doing, exactly what we should be doing and how should we be going about it.

To this end, I must say that I do have a criticism that is intended to try and help. My criticism is that I (along with a lot of other people) don't believe that we are being given the full story by the authorities. For example, the international media have made it clear that testing for the virus is critically important. So? Does anybody know how many testing kits are in the country? Does anybody know how many people have in fact been tested for the virus? Get the point? Incidentally, if you do, then please jump in and tell us.

There are may other matters that have not been properly explained. For example, Prime Minister Rowley and Minister Robert LeHunte went to Ghana recently. Neither of them have been reported as being quarantined after their return even though it was subsequently reported that their host, the President of Ghana tested positive for the deadly virus. So? Should we be worried about this? And if not, why not? Incidentally, late last week we were given the very sad news that Dr. Rowley's brother as well as Mr. Lehunte's mother had died but we weren't told the cause of their reespective deaths. Is this something that we should be concerned about?

You see, the problem that most people have is that we all have the very uneasy feeling that there is a lot going on that we simply don't know about. There are too many questions floating around ... like the dreaded virus ... in the air. This gives rise not only to great uneasiness but creates a lack of trust just at the time when we should be trusting and depending that those in charge know what they are doing. And whether it is through incompetence, arrogance or the fact that he doesn't want to tell us or a combination of all of the above, the pronouncements of the erstwhile Minister of Health  have done nothing to calm people's fears. One gets the very uneasy feeling that he really doesn't know what he is doing and/or is not telling us everything.

Take another example: the Vice President of Venezuela came here last week ostensibly to discuss the coronavirus epidemic. Really? Is that true? Because quite honestly it would have made more sense for cash strapped Venezuela not to send the good lady on an expensive flight but to save money by video conferencing. And if the coronavirus was not the real reason for the trip what was the reason? Could it have had anything to do with the Americans accusing President Maburro ... sorry, Maduro ... of narco trafficking? 

The media, who have a serious role to play, also seem bent on doing nothing but praising the Government for its handling of this crisis. I have seen absolutely no criticisms, for example, of either the Speaker of the House nor the President of the Senate who refused debate of this pandemic both ruling that it was neither urgent nor a matter of public importance. What could have come out of such a debate had it been allowed? Were they afraid to allow the debate? If so, why? But nobody is asking these questions.

Look, I am as concerned as any right thinking person ought to be over this whole situation.  Why, for example, is KFC allowed to stay open but not doubles vendors? Is this discrimination ... racial or otherwise?

 There are a lot of other questions, but hopefully you get the point. We, the public,  need to be dealt with openly and honestly.  Those of us over 21 should be adult enough to hear all of the facts. At the moment it really feels that we are not being given them. And that, if true, is worse than insulting. It borders on the criminal and is certainly dictatorial.