Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 It is with appropriate shame and embarrassment that I didn't pay attention to International Women's Day and all that it means and is supposed to mean. By way of explanation (and not by way of excuse) the fact is that there are so many "special" days in honour of some thing that I simply (and wrongly) regarded this day as just another one of those "days" that somebody has dreamed up but don't really mean a darned thing.

But it was forcibly brought home to me today when early this morning somebody gave my wife a single rose in appreciation of all that she has done and to thank her. It then occurred to me that not only as a husband of some twenty-six tears, but as a father of three beautiful daughters and as a grand father of four gorgeous girls that I ought to have paid attention to this day and all that it stands for.

Women  should be able to live their lives and make their own decisions without male interference. If we are to talk about freedom and equality it must be so not only for men, but for half of the world's population - women - as well. Sadly, all too often we read about women being abused or enslaved by traffickers Just because men are physically bigger and physically stronger than women, men have tended to dominate women. Instead of dominating with the strength of an argument, men dominate with simply the strength of their arm. 'You will do as I say or I will beat you until you obey' is the mantra.

This can't be right. Indeed, although it has persisted for a lloonngg time, the length of time that this attitude has persisted has never been right. And recognition of what women have done and are doing is important for all of us.

So, today it is right and proper that we honor women - ALL women; the mothers, sisters, daughters and wives that have carried us and nurtured us from time immemorial. Let me put it another way: your mother was a woman!

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