Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 While it is true that democracy has always been both a moral and an instrumental project, it really only works when voters trust and respect the persons who are promoting the particular policies. For example, 100 years ago there was a big issue on whether or not women could/should or even have the right to vote. This was obviously a moral issue, but it was an instrumental one as well  as the protests of the suffragettes  were also done with an aim to achieve a certain objective (the right to vote) and which was ultimately successful.

However, these days these two cornerstones of democracy seem more and more to be in conflict with each other. In my lifetime the two main races in this country have been driven apart by leaders on both sides who have used racist statements  to further their (or their Party's) particular cause. For example, who has forgotten the racist statement by Fitzgerald Hinds just before the second to last election that Keith Rowley could never be Prime Minister because he was "too black"? If ever there was a not so subtle racist statement that basically was saying that all black people should vote for the black leader of the black party, this was it.

In recognizing this particular faux pas Dr. Rowley (who very interestingly  didn't condemn the statement immediately it was made) is now trying to say "hey! We are not racist. Look, we even have a non-black person who will be Prime Minister soon." Of course Dr. Rowley is completely ignoring the fact that in the country, and even in his own Party, Stuart Young has little or no support. Mr. Young has very cleverly furthered his ambition to be Prime Minister by catering to a constituency of one and ignoring everybody else - which means, of course, that he will be completely dependent on Dr. Rowley and his only question to Dr. Rowley when he is told to "jump" is "how high". But that is another story.

Put another way, the PNM will go into the coming general election waving the nationalistic flag as opposed to the racial one, and trying to paint the UNC Leader as incompetent and racist. It is not yet clear how the UNC will respond to this. Certainly, as things now stand both Parties appear to be running neck and neck and  because "a week is a long time in politics" only an idiot will venture to suggest what the outcome will be. And while there is a good argument that the PNM has really messed things up by all that is normal the UNC should be way ahead in the polls - and they are not! There is an equally valid perception that the UNC team appears to be almost completely emasculated by its Leader.

So? The question will be who do you think will better be able to steer us away from the jagged reefs and rocks that we are about to flounder on? Should we be swayed by the two very populist leaders from both sides? Do we honestly believe anything that they say? Or are we going to be like the Pharisee who gets rid of his sins at the gates of the temple by crying "Korban"?

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