Well, American democracy has thrown up a man who is not only a big liar but is probably one of the most 'bold-faced' of the biggest liars the world has ever seen. It is difficult to understand how any reasonably intelligent person could vote for or support Donald Trump in any way having regard to things he has said and done. But yet he received a majority (albeit a very slim one) of the votes cast in the November American elections. Here are a few things that this terrible man has said or done:
(1) He has made unfounded claims that the illegal immigrants in the USA are behind the rise in crime and that many Latin countries are sending their worst criminals and mentally ill people to the USA. There has been absolutely no evidence of the truth in any of these allegations. It's almost as if he has forgotten that his grandfather was a German immigrant who changed the family name from 'Drumpf' to 'Trump' because it "sounded more American".
(2) He claimed that inflation was highest under Biden and he had instituted policies (that Biden canceled) that caused the American cost of living to reach unprecedented proportions, On this issue he seems to have a point. In 2022 inflation had peaked at 9.1% and while some of it might be blamed on Trump - it takes about 6 months for economic policies to work through the system - inflation had been rising steadily for the 4 years that Trump had been in control. But it is not true that inflation was highest under Biden. At one stage American inflation was over14%!
(3) He has said that Panama has been targeting American ships as they pass through the Canal and that China controls it. This is simply not true. Indeed, while a Hong Kong company won an open bid to control some of the ports in the Canal, the USA also controls some ports in the Canal.
(4) He has consistently denied having anything to do with the January 6th insurrection, but all the evidence points the other way.
(5) He has said on many occasions that he in fact won the 2020 election. That he and his supporters have signally failed to produce any evidence of this and have lost all the dozens of cases that they brought in many States across the country alleging voter fraud speaks volumes. Trump has clearly learned the lesson from Adolf Hitler's Nazi Minister of Propaganda (Adolf Himmler) that "the bigger the lie and the more often it is repeated, the more people will believe it."
(6) He has claimed that he will save the car manufacturing industry by banning the electric vehicle mandate. Fact: no such mandate exists. In April 2023 the Environmental Protection Agency (EVA) announced strict limits on greenhouse gas emissions. The EVA did say that if these limits were met that by 2032 the limits could be met if 67% of all cars were electric. But the new rule did not order car manufacturers to go electric, but allowed car manufacturers the latitude on how to meet the limits.
There are numerous other examples of how this man lies and misleads the public. A serious question arises from his behaviour :- Can he be trusted? For better or worse, we are all subject to whatever the U.S. President does or thinks. The consequences of his misbehaviour have the potential to seriously affect us. For example, if he carries out his threat to impose tariffs on a whole range of foreign goods, it will have the knock on effect of making things more expensive in the USA, meaning that American imports to T&T (e.g., food) will become more expensive.
That there is a lesson for us down here in T&T in that when we limit our choices between Tweedledum and Tweedledee we are asking for trouble where neither Tweedledum nor Tweedledee is acceptable and there is no third option.