Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 I have to tell you folks: Kamla ain't leaving. I know that I am often wrong and don't have a hotline to God, but here are some hard facts;

First of all, she said so. Even Rowley gets that. And in the confidential PNM and UNC polls, nobody is polling better in the UNC than she is.

Secondly, she will have the same chance and use the same arguments in this coming election as she did before, hoping that Rowley's screw ups will push her over into the winner's circle. In other words, the message is simply "vote for me".

I can see you shaking your heads and calling me an idiot. While that may be correct, let me ask you this: if the election was today, who would you be voting for: Kamla or Rowley?

 And there you will have your answer! The truth is that PNM has become the "default" party. In other words, people vote for it because, for whatever reason, they are not certain that their lives will improve under the alternative. The UNC has to show and (more importantly) convince the country that it can and will do better. This is not as easy as it sounds or as it should be.


  1. Despite the respect I have for you, your contribution seems a bit lacking in effort. Have you considered accessing the wealth of information readily available to you? Additionally, I was curious to know if you are a resident of this country.

    1. The short answer is yes, I'm not only a resident in T&T but I've also been a proud citizwn for all of my life.
      As for your other questions the answer is also yes.
