Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 I had been hoping against hope that I would have been proven wrong in my last post and that the Prime Minister, when he came home, would have given us at the very least, a full account of his trip, how much it cost and why he took with him whoever he took (apart from his wife), and what benefit to the country did they bring to the table, and so on.  Instead his press conference yesterday was just the usual 'blah-blah-blah' in which no useful information was given and we learned nothing. Whatever happened to the old maxim: "if you have nothing to say, don't say it!"?

I keep trying to make the point: there is only one reason for politics - one reason for Government; to make life better for the people! Full stop! There is NO other reason.  I was also taught that if you can't make your point in one sentence then you can't make it at all. So? in one sentence, how did Dr. Rowley's last trip benefit T&T? How did it make your life better? Did it bring the cost of living down? What exactly did it achieve? Can anyone answer this question in one sentence?

Isn't it about time that we start to hold our so-called leaders to account? That they are all living well is understood. But what about the rest of us?

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