Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Of course you can't always tell anything from a television report. But sometimes the tv report might show something that might be usually unintended. (And please note the two "mights" in that sentence.) What got me to thinking was that on the news report on Ish Galbaransingh's funeral there were some clips of UNC leader Kamla Persad Bissessar. Although there were a lot of people there the clips on television showed her largely being ignored by the crowd that was there. This was more than a little troubling for a UNC supporter who hopes that his/her party will win the next election  ... at least, it should have been!

So the question is: was this deliberate on the part of the television editors or does it in fact tell the unintended truth, i.e., that the erstwhile  Opposition Leader does not enjoy great popularity? Assuming (though obviously not accepting) that this latter might be true (another "might") then this would mean that the rumors of a general election this year might (again) have some validity. You see,  things are crashing all around Dr. Rowley right now. Crime is rising - or at the very least perceived to be rising - and the economy looks set for a major crash with no bottom in sight. Every where he turns there seems to be bad news.

By all that is normal, this would mean that the Government is on a path that will surely end with its destruction at the polls. But things are not normal. The UNC leader is not very popular with the rank and file supporters and looks set for a third defeat at the polls. Dr. Rowley, who is nothing if not a clever politician who knows how to appeal to his base, may very well figure that this year will be his best chance to make it three times in a row and call an election early. One can expect some subtle (and some not so subtle) hints to be thrown out on race by both sides when the 'action' starts.

That a lot of Dr. Rowley's base is disillusioned is clear and he should be worried as to whether or not he will be able to get his people to come out and vote. At the moment it certainly looks like they won't, but hey, that can change. On the other side of the coin The UNC base is (perhaps understandably) not too thrilled with their leader either. The main difference between the two sides is the UNC hope that enough people on their side will come out and vote, even though they are unhappy with their leader, because they figure that they just can't take it any more. This seems to be what Mrs. Bissessar is counting on. And once she wins .... well, that's it! She's 'home'!

Its going to be an interesting year!

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