Monday, December 18, 2023



It is impossible to get any sort of accurate reading about life in Trinidad & Tobago from reading the daily newspapers. The various articles are usually skewed in favour of one side or another of the political divide or don't present an accurate picture of how people really feel. So, here are a few questions that need to be asked and answered:

1)   Are people in general satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in T&T?

2)   Do people in general feel that T&T is on the right track?

3)   How would most people describe how they feel about their lives in T&T? Good? Bad? Indifferent? Do they think that the country is going downhill or that life is getting better? Depending on who you ask, you would probably get a different answer to this question. Most UNC supporters  believe that the country is going downhill. Most PNM supporters have grown somewhat disenchanted since the last election, but are probably not disenchanted enough to switch their votes to the UNC.

4)   How have inflation and job losses impacted the picture concerning peoples' perception on the economy? 

5)   Is race still a factor in the collective minds of the electorate? If so, why has there been just about no discussion at all on this issue? The newspapers collectively seem to shy away from any discussions about this. Why?

6)    On the question of the murder/crime rate, how has this affected peoples' thinking? Is there  a discontent about this? Is that discontent shaped partially - and in many cases amplified - by peoples' fear of what the 'other' Party might or might not do?

7)   How many PNM people think that the economy might improve under PNM? How many UNC people believe that it will improve under the UNC?  In other words is "Its the economy, stupid" a major factor on most peoples' minds?

8)   What do people think of Dr. Rowley and how he has been leading the country? What do people think of Mrs. Persad Bissessar  and her aspirations to become Prime Minister?

9)   In 2020 PNM won the election by running "we are not the UNC". In 2025 the signs are already there that they will try  a reprise that theme (with possible modifications). Will that be enough?

With a little less than two years to the next election there is obviously a lot of time for opinions to change, but if you want to know what is going on the answers to these questions should help you.

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