Tuesday, August 8, 2023



I ran a very unscientific poll last week. I listed all of our Prime Ministers (including the present one) and asked several of my clients who did they think was the best. (I didn't ask why they thought so, though I should have). To my somewhat very mild surprise, Mr. Manning came in first followed extremely closely by Mr. Panday. (One point separated them.) Unsurprisingly (to me at least), Dr. Rowley was at the bottom of everybody's list. But that wasn't good news for Mrs. Persad Bissessar as she was not very far ahead of Dr. Rowley., though she did rank ahead of ANR Robinson who came in second to last.

For everyone's information here are the results of MY poll (which is MOST unscientific): Mr. Manning came first followed very closely by Mr. Panday; next came Dr. Williams then Mr. Chambers and then came Kamla followed by ANR Robinson and finally Dr. Rowley. I noticed that most people tended to put their ethnic differences aside when confronted with my poll. I tried to run it by trying to include as many ethnicities as possible in (very roughly) the same percentages as there exist in the general population. But I probably asked more genuinely independent voters than  really exist percentagewise. Just about everybody that I asked said almost immediately that Dr. Rowley was definitely the worst before they went on to list their preferences.

I was mildly surprised at how low Dr. Williams came relatively speaking. (He came third way behind Messrs. Manning and Panday). But I put that down to the fact that he was Prime Minister a long time ago and few people really remember him. I am very aware that I have no experience or knowledge in how to conduct a proper poll and don't offer my results  as any sort of definitive statement. But I thought that it was an interesting question and so decided to share it with you. So, the question is: who do YOU think was the best Prime Minister Trinidad and Tobago has ever had? I'm not asking why you think so, because I didn't ask it in my "poll". But why you come to your conclusion might be interesting, no?


  1. #1 Patrick manning
    #2 Basdeo Panday
    #3 DR Williams
    #4 Dr Rowley
    #5 ANR Robinson
    #6 Kamla Persad B.

    1. From my list above I can name many beneficial laws, policies, initiatives and infrastructure built by these honourable people except for my #6 kamla P. B. Her only legacy was unseating the Panday family, holding the country ransom with unconstitutional State of emergency and Please Please Please let us never forget the invasion of the privacy of the entire country with out any justification of the ( DO SO ) campaign where Cambridge Analytica was involved!
