Friday, November 5, 2021


 It is difficult to believe that most people understand the size of the mack truck that is careening down the road towards us nor the speed at which it is going. Certainly, I didn't, until I had a conversation with a friend of mine who owns a business that imports certain (essential) medicines. She told me that the cost of a 40 foot container a year ago was US$1,600. In other words, no matter what you wished to put in the container the cost to you before you begin to do anything or put anything in it would be US$1,600.

Okay, I thought. That's high, but I guess we are living with it. And that's when she hit me. Guess what it is now? Today? US$2,000? I guessed. Wrong! The cost of that same 40 foot container from last year is now US$16,000!! That is an increase of more than 100 times last year's cost!! Ouch!!

On checking the accuracy of this information I discovered that food and other  costs in the USA have also gone up exponentially this year!!

Put another way, if this information is accurate (and I believe that it is) then by March we are going to be facing a most serious crisis. Then what? Vote PNM? Vote UNC? This crisis will be largely external in nature, We can spend a lot of time blaming the government for doing or not doing what they could have or should have done. But instead of casting blame (which is easier than actually solving the problem) we should from now be thinking of exactly what we need to do in order to survive. And we ain't doing that!! In fact, nobody on either side of the political divide is doing that!! Its always so much easier to blame 'them'.

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