Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 It is unbelievable that there has been no real discussion in the mainstream media on the Corona virus. Oh! There have been some articles, but by and large the editorials in the papers and the (mainly pro-government) radio stations and the (again pro-government) television stations have seemingly conspired to keep any real discussion as to how to get out of this awful hole, or even how we got into it in the first place ... given that we were in lockdown since March!

For example, I have seen NO articles or heard any discussions at all about how all of a sudden we are being hit daily with the news that so many more deaths have occurred and there are so many more positive cases being reported. How in the name of heaven did all this happen? Were we told the truth before? 

On the 17th August I wrote a piece in this space which basically said that Mrs. Persad-Bissessar should go ... that she had passed her "sell by" date and it was better for her party as well as for the country that she should go. I still hold to that opinion and subsequent events have only served to strengthen me in that view.

However, this is not the point of this post. The point here is that a day or two later I received a telephone call from the host of CNC 3's   'Morning Brew' program inviting me to discuss why I said that Kamla should go. I said that I would, BUT I questioned why she thought that was more important to discuss than the sudden spike in the Corona virus cases and why her TV station was not holding the Government to account. She had said that she wanted to give me 15 minutes of air time to discuss why I thought that Kamla should go. I replied that we could discuss that in 2 minutes or less but that I thought that this COVID-19 crisis was much more important. Frankly, I accused her and her TV station as being biased in favour of the Government and being unwilling to ask the hard questions. I said that while I agreed that she and her station had every right to be biased they should at least acknowledge that they were. I said that I had formed this opinion because I had never seen them really ask any Government Ministers the really hard questions but instead tended to ask relatively easy questions that allowed the Government to get away with a lot at the expense of the population whom they (the mainstream media) were not informing properly.

She denied strongly that either she or her station was biased and even said that the Prime Minister referred to CNC3 as 'UNC 3'. My reply was that I had never heard him say that before and that in any case I did not think that (if he did indeed say it) was true.

But I have not seen (either on CNC 3 nor on TV 6 nor anywhere else) any criticisms of the Government's handling of this COVID crisis, either before, during or after the elections. To give one example: testing. It was clear from a long time ago that the testing being done by the Health authorities was woefully inadequate. But I haven't seen nor heard any real or sustained criticism of this fact from anybody in the mainstream media. I haven't seen or heard any reporter hold the Minister of Health's feet to the proverbial fire on this very crucial matter of testing. Why? This is our lives that are being played with!  And why do I say 'sustained'? Because this point (as well as others) needs to be hammered home.

Even now, testing at various private institutions while available, is horribly expensive and out of reach of the pockets of the average man. Yet nobody has seen fit to ask Mr. Deyalsingh why? And also, what is he doing about it? In any case, the test results often take 4 days or more making the testing virtually useless. (As an aside, I would ask do you really believe that Mr. Deyalsingh has told us the whole truth about what is going on? And if your answer is 'no', do you believe that the mainstream media has held him to account?)

What about contact tracing? To my belief there is very little going on. (I say 'belief' because I really don't know; certainly it appears to me that in this regard there is a lot of information missing.) If there is, then how come we are getting this sudden spike? It doesn't make sense.

But CNC3 thought it more important to highlight dissension in the UNC rather than how we as a nation are dealing with this pandemic. The host did say that she would have to call me back to discuss the points that I had raised. You will not be surprised to learn that I expect that invitation around the same time that snow falls in Trinidad.

I could go on, but hopefully you have got the point. These guys and gals are leading us all up the garden path. And the tragedy ... the real tragedy ... is that it is our lives that are being played with.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robin. I can understand your angst and share your desire for even a bit of transparency. But I would think you should have gladly accepted the invitation to air your points on mainstream media, and get your ideas to a big audience. The fact that they contacted you and invited you shows they are listening. Perhaps you should too 😊👍 In friendship. Best, david
