Thursday, June 25, 2020


Sometimes it feels as though we are living in an "Alice In Wonderland" type of novel. Nothing seems real and those whom we seek to rely on (both sides) simply don't tell us the truth about what is really going on.

Let's take just two examples (though, unfortunately, there are many more): first the Corona Virus situation. Throughout the western world efforts to re-open are being met with mixed success. It is failing spectacularly in the United States where the virus is re-surging with a strength that is positively frightening. Over in Europe there  seems to be a slight lessening of infections, but the jury is still out over there as to how successful they will be in containing it. In the Far East the various countries (with the exception of India) seem to have got things under control. But it is absolutely clear that unless and until a vaccine is found that we are going to be living with this very serious health threat.

Which brings us back to good old T&T. I am already on record as saying that I simply don't believe that we have been told the truth about how many cases or deaths we have had down here. But, (thank God) it does seem that for the time being at any rate the virus seems to be under control here and a cautious re-opening of the country is certainly possible! And that is the good news!

But, (and it is a big 'but') a general election is due sometime before or by the end of this year. A little birdie has told me that the date is set for either August 10th or August 24th with the savvy money betting on the first date. When I asked about how exactly was campaigning going to be done I was told that the plan is that they will not open up the country or allow election meetings until about two weeks before the set date. As the virus has a 14 day incubation period the expected spike won't take place until after the elections are concluded.

Is this true? Because if it is it would be one of the most cynical things that I have ever heard of in my time on the planet. Frankly, I cannot honestly see how electioneering as we knew it in the past can possibly take place now ... even if the August dates are wrong and the elections aren't held until December!  It's just going to be too dangerous!

Then let's go back to this "Fuelgate" affair. Yesterday the erstwhile Energy Minister said in the Senate that there was going to be no investigation of the matter and that the relevant authorities had done everything right. In essence, he said that how the 150,000 barrels of gasoline ended up in Venezuela had nothing to do with us! Let's hope that he is right. But I have the most uneasy feeling that he is not. And the problem is that if somebody somewhere on our side was complicit in helping the Donkey (aka Maduro) evade US sanctions then the Americans will find out and will deal with us. So?  Wouldn't it be wise if indeed we have nothing to be worried about, to have an open probe into the affair and let the whole world and the Americans see that we are indeed innocent? But instead we are being met with rather obvious stonewalling. We are innocent, the Government says! 'Punto final' (full stop) as the Venezuelans would say! And only the most rabid supporters of the present regime would accept their word as final on this. Most thinking and unbiased observers, though, would agree that those who have nothing to hide do not oppose inquiries aimed at discovering the truth of something that has happened.

But life in Trini Wonderland goes on with the hard questions being studiously avoided and with the two sides of the political divide basically saying to each other "all yuh, t'ief" and the other side saying "all yuh t'ief more"! And we, the electorate are left in the middle like the proverbial cheese.

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