Saturday, January 13, 2018


As a Caribbean man I take strong exception to the President of the United States calling the Region in which I was born and by extension the country where I was born a s***hole. Look, nobody can deny that there is a lot in both the Region as well as Trinidad & Tobago that needs fixing. Nobody can deny that Haiti which has real problems and without a massive amount of real aid (and not aid with strings attached) is unlikely to emerge into the sunlight any time soon. (And by the way, I am aware that he didn't specifically name T&T but it is clear that we are lumped into his definition of "s**hole countries".)

But that fascist who sits at the head of what is today the most powerful country on the planet ought to remember a few home truths:

First of all, Haiti didn't get where it is today without a great deal of "help" from France. And yes, the word "help" is deliberately put in quotation marks. After the (successful) war of independence in Haiti France agreed to give that country it's independence provided that Haiti pay to France a crippling amount of "reparations". The payments continued throughout the 19th century and well into the 20th. These payments were to compensate France for the loss of it's colony and it's properties. (By the way, amongst the "properties" lost were the slaves!!)

Now, the jackdonkey that is the President of the United States today seems to have conveniently forgotten that one of the root causes of the rise of Hitler and the Second World War was the penalties that the victorious allies imposed on defeated Germany and the reparations that Germany was forced to pay to them. The result of these reparation payments by Germany caused massive hardship in that country and gave rise to the demagogue that was Hitler who blamed the Jews for Germany losing the war. If it wasn't for the treacherous Jews Germany would never have lost the war!! At least, that was Hitler's argument which resonated with the German people in much the same way that Trump's racist words and incitements do with ignorant white Americans today.

The point here is that except for the names and a few other changes, Haiti's story is not dissimilar to Germany's after the First World War. The difference was that Germany had the wherewithal to rise again from the ashes of defeat and rebuild when Hitler (having come to power) stopped the reparation payments. If Haiti had stopped the reparation payments to France, the latter would simply have invaded Haiti and enslaved that country all over again. In other words, the Haitians had no choice!

But the racist jackdonkey that is the president of the United States today doesn't see that! Anybody who isn't pure white (e.g. Nordic) just isn't welcome in a country that was in fact built on genocide (but that is another story again)!

No. I am personally offended. And I am just as offended by the seeming craven cowardice of my Government which has to date failed to stand up to the bullying jackdonkey and telling him where to get off. The jackdonkey should be told bluntly that his brand of racism is offensive to all right thinking peoples around the world.

And to those who say that we should just keep quiet because the United States can do us great harm, I reply that I prefer to die a man than to live the life of a coward. And to the racist jackdonkey I say, just because we speak with an accent do not make the mistake of believing that we think with one.

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