Friday, January 10, 2025


 I received an opinion in What's App from a friend of mine. In essence, he argued that there was nothing in the Constitution that prevents a sitting Prime Minister to resign as Prime Minister and move to the back benches while remaining as Prime Minister. I agree with this interpretation, but (and there's always a "BUT" isn't there?) The President chooses as Prime Minister the person who IN HER OPINION is best able to command a majority in the House of Representatives. Now, having regard to all that has been reported if the dissident PNM M.P.'s who voted against Stuart Young by a very narrow margin were to combine with the Opposition in a vote of no confidence then the only way out will be a General Election.

Of course, they (the dissidents) will be hoisted on a petard of Rowley's making in that if they vote against the Motion of no Confidence they will be condemned by their Party for allowing this confusion to happen in the first place and if they vote for the Motion then they'll have to contend with the fact that they forced an early election which the Party might well lose. Either way, they have a real problem especially as an election is due by September. In the meantime, The President could have a problem in that she can't be certain that Mr. Young will have majority support.

Perhaps the best way out for the PNM is not to call an election until they think they are ready by not having any sessions of Parliament for the next 6 months.

No matter what the old curse "May you live in interesting times" is clearly alive and well.

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