Sunday, September 17, 2023


 I was so glad to read that Conrad Ennil, a former finance minister in Patrick Manning's cabinet and now holding a big time chairmanship in one of the country's most important financial institutions,  has stated quite publicly that there is no shortage of foreign currency in the country. And because neither Mr. Ennil (nor indeed any PNM finance minister) ever lies then it must be true: there is no foreign currency shortage or crisis in T&T!  Full stop!

My only problem is that nobody seems to have told any of the banks who continue to limit the amount of foreign currency available to citizens. For example, Republic Bank just put out a notice to its credit card holders that the available amount in US dollars available to their card holders in any one billing cycle has been reduced from $10,000 to $5,000. But there is no foreign exchange shortage so clearly the bank has to be syphoning off all the available foreign currency for it's own nefarious needs. And when my bank (not Republic) says that I have to get special approval (which normally takes about three days) to send money for my son's education and living expenses, it is lying to me. Of course, this statement would be highly defamatory if there was really a shortage of foreign currency, but because Mr. Ennil et al never lie, we know that this could not be true.

But there could be another explanation: Mr. Ennil et al simply don't know what they are talking about when they say that the foreign currency situation is only in people's minds. In other words, the alleged shortage is simply a fiction of those persons who are just looking for something to criticize the Government and the Prime Minister for. Yep! That's probably it! Somebody somewhere is just completely incompetent! 

What do you think? Because something is dreadfully wrong here and we are not being told the truth by somebody! Who do you think is lying?

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