Thursday, October 20, 2022


 Perhaps we should start with how to win the next elections. Answer: change the leader! Whether you are talking about the PNM or the UNC the answer would be the same for both parties. Let's start with the PNM first (because they are in power):

For better or worse Keith Rowley is probably the most discredited leader that the PNM has ever had. This 'Nelsongate' business is  a scandal of epic proportions. How in the name of Heaven could an Attorney General purport to give a free pass - a 'bligh', as we say in Trinidad - to a man who is a self confessed crook? And he did so without the knowledge or agreement of the Director of Public Prosecutions!? And the law in this country is very clear that the DPP is the only person in the country who has the conduct of criminal proceedings! And the Attorney General is a lawyer? And he says that the infamous indemnity agreement was approved by two senior counsel?

And the Prime Minister then says in essence that he didn't know anything about this matter!? But wait a minute! Isn't the Prime Minister the Head of the National Security Council? And doesn't the Attorney general report to him? And isn't the former Attorney General still in the Cabinet and drawing down a minister's salary and all the 'perks' that go with that high office? It is either that the Prime Minister is incompetent, or he's so lazy that he doesn't read a thing, OR (most likely) he's lying through his teeth when he says that he knew nothing about it.

In the meantime, (and I'm leaving aside the rather obvious question as to whether or not a criminal case against Messrs. Ramlogan and Ramdeen could have proven BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT on the 'say-so' of a whistleblower who has obviously benefitted from several million dollars of taxpayers' money) there are other questions to which we have never been given a satisfactory answer, e.g., the Petrotrin debacle, the visit of Maburro's Vice President ostensibly to discuss COVID, the visit of Dr. Rowley and Mr. Young to meet with energy executives in Switzerland who were  based in Trinidad, and much more.

No. The country really doesn't believe a word that falls from Rowley and his gang and in the meantime it is watching helplessly as its fortunes are going to Hell in a handbasket!

So, clearly, there is urgent need for a change at the top of the PNM. There are three contenders for that particular throne - Keith Rowley himself, Karen Nunes- Tesheira, a former Minister in the Ministry of Finance when Patrick Manning was there, and Ronald Boynes. I prefer not to comment right now as to which of those three that I would prefer (although it is admittedly kind of obvious that it would not be Rowley). But I promise that I will say before the internal PNM elections who I think will be better and why I think so.

Then we have the UNC. Unfortunately, the UNC's leader has a track record of losing too many times. Whether this is because the PNM has thrown so much mud at her that some of it seems to have stuck or whether there is another reason. But whatever the cause is, she has signally failed  to present herself to the country as somebody with ideas or the team necessary to turn this country around. Very unfortunately, the PNM has rather successfully thrown so much mud at her (by far and away) most able lieutenant, Roodal Moonilal, that the country will never 'buy' or accept him as its leader. Which is a great pity, because, if you listen to him you will find that he makes a lot of sense.

But Kamla's team, especially in the Parliament is very weak. None of her Parliamentary team inspires hope in the populace that they really can turn things around. And a successful politician is one who can make you believe that you will be better off if you vote for him/her. And except for those who are "UNC till ah dead" there are very few people who believe that the country will be better off with that crowd in charge. Put another way, the country ain't buying them ... at least not right now. And it is true that weak leaders gather weak people around them. Strong leaders gather strong people around them; and the country desperately needs both strong and competent leadership.

Perhaps that is why a lot of people believe that it really is time for  the latest new political party: the Free Democratic Action Trinidad & Tobago party, or F.D.A.T.T. for short!!!!

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