Tuesday, October 20, 2020

RACISM IN T&T (and its effect on our politics)

 It is a fact that we are in deep economic trouble. Our debt to GDP ratio is now at around 89.6 percent. Not too long again and it will be over 100 percent. The result is going to be more lay-offs, more unemployment, more slowing down and less money to go around. On Sunday last I received three videos of house break-ins in three different areas of Trinidad : Freeport, Valsayn and Westmoorings. The videos were all disturbingly similar - young black men scouting the area before jumping the respective fences.

Now, my take away from these videos (as well as from the countless reports that I keep getting) is that the very severe economic downturn is hurting the black communities worse than the other communities across the land. The problem is that nobody wants to say or acknowledge this because (heaven forbid) any comments could be taken as being racist or being influenced by racism. To which I say, absolute rubbish!

We need to look at our country squarely, warts and all! We need to acknowledge honestly what is going on and who is being hurt. Okay. Everybody is being hurt, but we need to look at who is hurting the most. We can't fix anything if we continue to avoid dealing with the problems that confront us.

Our leaders on BOTH sides of the political divide play the race card 24/7. And don't pretend that it is not true. I have seen and heard countless times, subtle and not so subtle remarks being made on BOTH political platforms, not only by the respective leaders but by their various supporters. Perhaps one of the worst was the "Calcutta ship" remark made at a political rally in Tobago some time ago, and the leader of the particular party who spoke after the remark was made, did not condemn that remark there and then. What was the message to his supporters when he failed to condemn the remark? Was it not that he agreed with it? Of course it was! Either that or he calculated that such a dog whistle would help him get out the vote. Either way, he was as wrong as hell!

Everybody knows that if you are Indian you must vote UNC and if you are African you must vote PNM. And then you have one or two Indians in the PNM who are there for their own personal reasons saying things to the effect that all Indians are not bad and the "good" Indians vote PNM! When I heard that I shook my head in dismay. Unbelievable. And yet there has been no condemnation of these terrible remarks ... at least, none from the PNM side! So? What is the message there from the PNM for their failure to condemn those highly publicized remarks?

Look, a person should join a political party because he/she agrees with its policies and the principles for which it stands. So? What are the policies and the principles of both the PNM and the UNC? How or where are they different? And don't tell me that one is more honest than the other. That simply is not true. The allegations of corruption on both sides are huge. How are their principles and policies different? Or is it that corruption is acceptable because "we" are doing it or "we" are stealing or stole less than "they" did?

Look, it's like having a business that is making a million dollars a year but the manager is stealing a hundred thousand dollars a year. So, the owner of the business changes managers. The new manager continues to steal the same amount as the old manager did, but instead of making an annual million dollar profit he loses a million dollars a year. Obviously stealing is bad and ought to be condemned, but isn't the owner better off with the first rather than the second manager? And shouldn't we also look at that?

So? Besides race, why do you support and vote for the party of your choice? A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step and for us, I most respectfully suggest that the first step will be to stamp out the racism in our society.. But in order to do so, we are going to have to be honest with ourselves. Only then can we really solve our problems. And that means that you have to be honest with yourself. But that is always difficult, isn't it?

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