Monday, September 7, 2020


 It is unbelievable that a maritime disaster worse than the infamous Exxon Valdez incident is happening right on our shores and there is little to NO reporting or comment in the main stream media. Take a look at this video:

The FSO Nabarima has something like 5 times MORE oil in it's hold than the Exxon Valdez had ... and we all know how that ship wreck turned out! So? Why is this being played down? Why is nothing being done by anybody? And if something is indeed being done, then who is doing it (whatever 'it' might be) and why are we not being told about 'it'? Why are there no calls in the mainstream media for something to be done?

Look, I really hope that politics is not coming into play here, but I can't help but feel that is exactly what is happening. You see, the Nabarima is holding thousands of gallons of crude oil and has been parked up in Venezuelan waters in the Gulf of Paria ... the small body of water that separates Trinidad from the mainland. It seems that the Venezuelan authorities parked the ship there and virtually ignored it. Without maintenance the ship has slowly rusted away and is now listing heavily to one side as it takes on water and will probably sink very soon.

But don't we in T&T have the means ... any means of rescuing this situation? And if we don't, surely there are other countries that could help us? Notice I said 'us'. The oil and the ship belong to Venezuela, but if that ship and that oil is threatening OUR well being (as it is) then shouldn't we do something about it whether or not it means going into Venezuelan waters and taking over the ship? After all, if your neighbour's house is on fire and the neighbour doesn't have the means to put out the fire, but the fire is threatening your property, should you do nothing and just wait for your neighbour to ask you for help or do something about it himself? Or should you just wait for your house to catch fire?

Except for the names and a few other changes, this story about the Nabarima is the same one. Clearly, we need to do something, even if that means showing up the total and complete incompetence of the Maburro regime. But if we did that it might mean that we were wrong in the first place to support that terrible man and his cronies, and the present regime in T&T has never (to my knowledge) ever admitted that they were ever wrong about anything. I guess they feel that it is better that we simply have what will probably go down in history as the worst ecological disaster in the world! And our mainstream media will say nothing!

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